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Germany 독일 57.37억 원

독일 10 / Georg Schaeffler / 세계랭킹 171







Georg Schaeffler







World Ranking 171







$10.1 B

13조 2,916억 원

2023.04.04 기준







약간의 행운도 [Continental AG 인수의 성공]의 일부입니다.
A little bit of luck is also part of it [the success of the Continental AG takeover]. 
그러나 아시다시피 행운은 용감한 사람에게 유리합니다.
But as you know, fortune favors the brave.




Age / 58

Source of Wealth / Auto parts

Residence / Herzogenaurach, Germany

Citizenship / Germany

Marital Status / Divorced

Children / 4





Georg Schaeffler와 그의 어머니 Maria-Elisabeth는 세계 최대의 볼 베어링 및 기계 부품 생산업체 중 하나인 Schaeffler Group을 소유하고 있습니다.

Georg Schaeffler and his mother, Maria-Elisabeth, own Schaeffler Group, one of the world's largest producers of ball bearings and machine components.



2009년에 그는 어머니와 합류했습니다. 그녀는 1946년 남편과 함께 회사를 설립한 남편 빌헬름이 사망한 후 셰플러를 경영해 왔습니다.

In 2009, he joined his mother. She'd been running Schaeffler after the death of her husband, Wilhelm, who founded the firm with his brother in 1946.



1년 전, 회사는 타이어 및 자동차 부품 대기업인 Continental AG를 150억 달러의 부채 조달 거래로 인수했습니다.

A year before, the company took over tire and auto parts giant Continental AG in a $15-billion, debt-financed deal.



금융 위기의 여파로 하이 와이어 법이 실패할 것 같았습니다. 그러나 자동차 시장이 반등하면서 콘티넨탈의 주가는 급등했다.

In the wake of the financial crisis, it seemed the high-wire act might fail. But as the auto market rebounded, Continental's share price soared.



Georg와 Maria-Elisabeth가 Continental 지분을 합친 46%가 그들의 부의 대부분을 차지합니다.

Georg and Maria-Elisabeth's combined 46% stake in Continental accounts for most of their wealth.



Georg는 달라스에서 비즈니스 법률 업무를 담당했습니다.

Georg used to practice business law in Dallas. 



동료들은 그가 2003년 포브스 목록에 처음 등장한 후에야 그의 부유한 배경을 알게 되었습니다.

Colleagues only learned of his wealthy background after he first appeared on the Forbes list in 2003.



Schaeffler Group의 80%를 소유하고 있는 Georg는 미국에서 조용한 삶을 영위하고 있으며 Maria-Elisabeth는 20%를 소유하고 있으며 오스트리아의 스키 리조트 타운인 Kitzbuehel에 살고 있습니다.

Georg, who owns 80% of Schaeffler Group, leads a quiet life in the U.S., while Maria-Elisabeth, with 20%, lives in the tony Austrian ski resort town of Kitzbuehel.