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Germany 독일 57.37억 원

독일 06 / Reinhold Wuerth & family / 세계랭킹 46







Reinhold Wuerth & family







World Ranking 46







$30.2 B

39조 7,432억 원

2023.04.04 기준







Age / 87

Source of Wealth / Fasteners, Self Made

Residence / Kuenzelsau, Germany

Citizenship / Germany

Marital Status / Married

Children / 3





Reinhold Wuerth는 14세의 나이인 1949년에 회사의 두 번째 직원이자 첫 견습생으로 아버지의 나사 도매 사업에 뛰어들었습니다.

Reinhold Wuerth entered his father's wholesale screw business in 1949, at age 14, as the company's second employee and first apprentice.



그는 1954년 경영권을 장악하고 건설 현장과 기계 공장에서 고객에게 직접 상품을 배송함으로써 경쟁 우위를 연마했습니다.

He took the reins in 1954 and honed a competitive advantage by delivering goods directly to customers on construction sites and in mechanical shops.



현재 연간 매출이 160억 달러 이상인 Wuerth Group은 전 세계에 400개 이상의 회사와 83,000명의 직원을 보유하고 있습니다.

Today, with annual sales of over $16 billion, the Wuerth Group has more than 400 companies and 83,000 employees around the world.



Reinhold는 1994년에 은퇴했지만 여전히 Wuerth Group 가족 신탁의 감독 이사회 의장으로 재직하고 있습니다.

Reinhold retired in 1994, but he still serves as chairman of the supervisory board of the Wuerth Group's family trusts.



딸 Bettina Wuerth는 Wuerth Group의 자문 위원회 회장입니다.

Daughter Bettina Wuerth is chairwoman of the advisory board of Wuerth Group.



18,500점 이상의 작품으로 구성된 Wuerth의 방대한 아트 컬렉션은 1964년에 획득한 Emil Nolde 수채화 그림에서 시작되었습니다.

Wuerth's vast art collection, consisting of more than 18,500 pieces, began with an Emil Nolde watercolor painting acquired in 1964.



열렬한 비행사인 Wuerth는 거의 25년 동안 독일 비행 클럽의 회장이었습니다.

An avid aviator, Wuerth was president of a German flying club for nearly 25 years.