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France 프랑스 295.79조원

프랑스 07 / Emmanuel Besnier / 세계랭킹 71







Emmanuel Besnier







World Ranking 71







$22.4 B

29조 4,448억 원

2023.04.04 기준





Age / 52

Source of Wealth / Cheese

Residence / Laval, France

Citizenship / France





Emmanuel Besnier는 매출 200억 달러에 달하는 세계 최대 유제품 회사 중 하나인 가족 소유 Lactalis의 CEO이자 대주주입니다.

Emmanuel Besnier is the CEO and controlling shareholder of family-held Lactalis, one of the world's largest dairy firms with $20 billion in sales.



그의 아버지는 1933년에 회사를 설립했습니다. 

His father founded the company in 1933.



현재는 프레지던트 브리, 밀크메이드 요거트, 발브레소 페타 등의 제품을 판매하고 있습니다.

It now sells products including President brie, Milkmaid yogurts and Valbreso feta.



그의 동생인 Jean-Michel과 Marie는 가족의 우유 및 치즈 거인의 나머지 소유권을 분할했습니다.

His younger siblings, Jean-Michel and Marie, split the rest of the ownership in the family's milk and cheese giant.



Besnier와 그의 형제는 Babybel, Frommageries Bel 및 Boursin의 제조사인 Parmalat의 지분을 소유하고 있습니다.

Besnier and his siblings own stakes in Parmalat, the maker of Babybel, Frommageries Bel and Boursin.



Lactalis는 현재 85,000명을 고용하고 94개국에서 266개 이상의 공장을 소유하고 있습니다.

Lactalis now employs 85,000 and owns more than 266 plants in 94 countries.



Besnier는 "프랑스의 하워드 휴즈", "치즈의 황제", 그리고 언론에 대한 그의 경멸 덕분에 "보이지 않는 억만장자"로 불렸습니다.

Besnier has been called the "French Howard Hughes," "the Emperor of Cheese," and, thanks to his disdain for the press, "the invisible billionaire."



사업을 시작한 첫날, 베스니에의 아버지는 우유 17리터를 모아 카망베르 35개를 만들었습니다.

On his first day in business, Besnier's father collected 17 liters of milk and made 35 camemberts.