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France 프랑스 295.79조원

프랑스 06 / Gerard Wertheimer / 세계랭킹 41







Gerard Wertheimer







World Ranking 41







$31.6 B

41조 5,382억 원

2023.04.04 기준






Age / 72

Source of Wealth / Chanel

Residence / New York, New York

Citizenship / France

Marital Status / Married

Children / 2




Gerard Wertheimer와 그의 형제 Alain은 프랑스 명품 브랜드 Chanel을 소유하고 있습니다.

Gerard Wertheimer and his brother Alain own French luxury brand Chanel.



Gerard는 회사의 시계 부문을 이끌고 있으며 스위스에 거주하고 있습니다.

Gerard heads the company's watch division and lives in Switzerland.



그의 할아버지 Pierre는 1920년대에 회사 이름을 딴 Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel과 파트너 관계를 맺었습니다.

His grandfather, Pierre, partnered with Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel, the company's namesake, in the 1920s.



Gerard와 그의 형제는 프랑스와 캘리포니아의 나파 밸리에 포도원을 소유하고 있습니다.

Gerard and his brother own vineyards in France and Napa Valley, California.



Gerard와 Alain은 서러브레드를 번식시키고 경주합니다.

Gerard and Alain breed and race thoroughbreds.



Gerard와 Alain은 프랑스와 켄터키에 농장을 소유하고 있습니다.

Gerard and Alain own farms in France and Kentucky.