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United Kingdom 영국 30.59조원

영국 08 / David Reuben / 영국 부자 / 세계랭킹 343







David Reuben







World Ranking 343







$6.7 B

8조 7,703억 원

2023.04.04 기준






Age / 84

Source of Wealth / Investments, real estate, Self Made

Residence / London, United Kingdom

Citizenship / United Kingdom

Marital Status / Married

Children / 1





David 형제와 Simon Reuben 형제는 부동산과 기술 분야에서 부를 축적했습니다.

Brothers David and Simon Reuben built a fortune in real estate and technology.



2016년 12월에는 데이터 센터 사업인 GlobalSwitch의 49%를 약 30억 달러에 중국 투자자 컨소시엄에 매각했습니다.

In December 2016, they sold 49% of their data center business, GlobalSwitch, to a consortium of Chinese investors for nearly $3 billion.



형제는 뭄바이에서 태어나 영국에서 자랐습니다. 

그곳에서 David는 금속 거래를 시작했고 Simon은 카펫을 수입하고 부동산을 구입했습니다.

The brothers were born in Mumbai and raised in the U.K., where David started off trading metals and Simon imported carpets and bought real estate.



그들의 회사인 금속 무역상인 Transworld는 1990년대에 러시아와 카자흐스탄에 투자했으며 알루미늄 거래에 적극적이었습니다.

Their firm Transworld, a metals trader, invested in Russia and Kazakhstan in the 1990s and was active in trading aluminum.



David는 모나코와 플로리다에서 시간제로 거주하고 있습니다. Simon은 또한 모나코에서 시간을 보냅니다.

David resides part time in Monaco and Florida; Simon also spends time in Monaco.



그들의 Reuben Foundation은 건강 관리 및 교육 목적에 자금을 지원합니다.

Their Reuben Foundation funds health care and educational causes.