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영국 07 / Nik Storonsky / 영국 부자 / 세계랭킹 336







Nik Storonsky







World Ranking 336








$ B

10조 7,871억 원

2023.04.04 기준





수십 개의 제품을 제공하고 사람들이 선택하게 하는 것은 편리하지 않습니다... 
버튼 하나만 클릭하면 내가 사용하는 제품이 최고라는 것을 알고 싶습니다.
It's not convenient to offer tens of products and let people choose...
I just want to click a button and know that the product I'm using is the best.




Age / 38

Source of Wealth / Fintech, Self Made

Residence / London, United Kingdom

Citizenship / United Kingdom

Marital Status / Married

Children / 2

Education / Master of Science, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology






Nik Storonsky는 2021년 7월 개인 투자자들로부터 330억 달러의 가치로 평가된 영국 기반 금융 서비스 회사 Revolut를 공동 설립하고 운영합니다.

Nik Storonsky cofounded and runs U.K.-based financial services firm Revolut, which was valued by private investors at $33 billion in July 2021.



Revolut는 환전 및 수수료 없는 ATM에서 글로벌 이체 결제 및 예산 책정에 이르기까지 모든 것을 제공합니다.

Revolut offers everything from currency exchange and surcharge-free ATMs to global transfer payments and budgeting.



유럽 ​​최고의 유니콘 중 하나인 이 회사는 천만 명 이상의 고객을 대상으로 3억 5천만 건 이상의 거래를 처리했다고 말합니다.

The company, one of Europe's top unicorns, says it has handled more than 350 million transactions for more than 10 million customers.



러시아 시민권도 보유한 Storonsky는 Lehman Brothers와 Credit Suisse에서 파생 상품 거래자로 시작했습니다.

Storonsky, who also holds Russian citizenship, got his start as a derivatives trader at Lehman Brothers, then Credit Suisse.


Storonsky는 학교에서 챔피언 수영 선수였습니다.

Storonsky was a champion swimmer while in school.