Germany 독일 57.37억 원

독일 09 / Francine von Finck & family / 세계랭킹 246

maisonrich 2023. 4. 4. 22:39







Francine von Finck & family







World Ranking 246







$8.4 B

11조 544억 원

2023.04.04 기준







Source of Wealth / Investments

Residence / Thurgau, Switzerland

Citizenship / Germany

Marital Status / Widowed

Children / 4





Francine von Finck와 그녀의 네 자녀는 2021년 11월 91세의 나이로 세상을 떠난 남편과 아버지 August von Finck로부터 재산을 물려받았습니다.

Francine von Finck and her 4 children inherited their fortune from her late husband and their father, August von Finck, who died at 91 in Nov. 2021.



August는 1870년에 할아버지인 Wilhelm von Finck가 시작한 사업을 물려받았습니다.

August inherited a business started by his grandfather, Wilhelm von Finck, in 1870.



August의 Merck Finck & Co. 개인 은행은 Loewenbraeu 양조장과 보험사인 Munich Re와 Allianz를 탄생시켰습니다.

August's Merck Finck & Co. private bank spawned the Loewenbraeu breweries and insurers Munich Re and Allianz.



August는 1990년에 Merck Finck와 Allianz 주식을 Barclays Bank에 매각하고 그 자금을 다양한 포트폴리오에 재투자했습니다.

August sold Merck Finck and the Allianz shares to Barclays Bank in 1990 and reinvested the money in a diverse portfolio.