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미국 04 / Warren Buffett / 세계랭킹 5







Warren Buffett






World Ranking 5







$107.1 B

140조 5,687억 5,000만 원

2023.04.04 기준






합리적인 사람들은 가지지 않고 필요하지 않은 것을 위해 자신이 가지고 있고 필요한 것을 위험에 빠뜨리지 않습니다.
Rational people don't risk what they have and need for what they don't have and don't need.




Age / 92

Source of Wealth / Berkshire hathaway, Self Made

Self-Made Score / 8

Philanthropy Score / 5

Residence / Omaha, Nebraska

Citizenship / United States

Marital Status / Widowed, Remarried

Children / 3

Education / Master of Science, Columbia University; Bachelor of Arts/Science, University of Nebraska Lincoln





"오마하의 현인"으로 알려진 워렌 버핏은 역사상 가장 성공적인 투자자 중 한 명입니다.

Known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors of all time.



버핏은 보험사 가이코, 배터리 제조업체 듀라셀, 레스토랑 체인 데어리 퀸 등 수십 개의 회사를 소유한 버크셔 해서웨이를 운영하고 있습니다.

Buffett runs Berkshire Hathaway, which owns dozens of companies, including insurer Geico, battery maker Duracell and restaurant chain Dairy Queen.



미국 하원의원의 아들로 태어난 그는 11살에 처음으로 주식을 샀고 13살에 처음으로 세금을 신고했습니다.

The son of a U.S. congressman, he first bought stock at age 11 and first filed taxes at age 13.



그는 재산의 99% 이상을 기부하겠다고 약속했습니다. 

He has promised to donate over 99% of his wealth.



지금까지 그는 대부분 게이츠 재단과 그의 자녀들의 재단에 490억 달러 이상을 기부했습니다.

So far he has given more than $49 billion, mostly to the Gates Foundation and his kids' foundations.



2010년 그와 빌 게이츠는 억만장자들에게 재산의 절반 이상을 자선 단체에 기부하겠다고 약속하는 기빙 서약을 시작했습니다.

In 2010, he and Bill Gates launched the Giving Pledge, asking billionaires to commit to donating at least half of their wealth to charitable causes.



버핏은 1958년에 $31,500에 구입한 네브래스카주 오마하에 여전히 살고 있습니다.

Buffett still lives in the same Omaha, Nebraska, home he purchased in 1958 for $31,500.



Buffett은 Harvard Business School에서 거절당했습니다. 

그는 대신 Columbia University에서 경제학 석사 학위를 받았습니다.

Buffett was rejected from Harvard Business School; he got a master's in economics from Columbia University instead.