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Japan 일본 44.6조원

일본 05 / Shigenobu Nagamori / 나가모리 시게노부 / 일본 부자 / 세계랭킹 490






Shigenobu Nagamori

나가모리 시게노부






World Ranking 490






$3.8 B

4조 9,989억 원

2023.04.03 기준





Age / 78 

Source of Wealth / Motors, Self Made 

Residence / Kyoto, Japan 

Citizenship / Japan 

Marital Status / Married 

Children / 2






Shigenobu Nagamori는 모터 제조업체 Nidec의 창립자이자 회장입니다.

Shigenobu Nagamori is founder and chairman of motor manufacturer Nidec.



Nidec은 하드 디스크 드라이브 및 광학 드라이브용 모터의 세계 최대 제조업체라고 자부합니다.

Nidec bills itself as the world's largest manufacturer of motors for hard-disk drives and optical drives.



Nagamori는 부분적으로 전기 자동차용 모터에 집중함으로써 2030년까지 그의 목표가 10조엔(910억 달러)의 매출을 달성하는 것이라고 공개적으로 밝혔습니다.

Nagamori has said publicly that his goal is to hit ¥10 trillion ($91 billion) in revenue by 2030, partly by focusing on motors for electric vehicles.



2022년 9월, 2020년에 사장 겸 COO로 고용된 세키 준 전 닛산 자동차 임원이 사임했습니다.

In September 2022, former Nissan Motor executive, Jun Seki, who had been hired in 2020 as president and COO, resigned.